EYE ON UKRAINE: Resources for Monitoring the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

EYE ON UKRAINE is an independent website with the goal of providing access to news and information regarding the Ukraine-Russia War from a wide variety of global sources.

The news sources on this site are not exhaustive nor do we claim them to be the "best" sources.
We do not endorse any specific news items or support any specific news sources.
We frequently add and change our sources to reach a better balance.

Finding "truth" during times of war can be very difficult.
We encourage everyone to do their own research from a variety of news sources
and draw their own conclusions
about what is happening in Ukraine.

We make no claim to being totally unbiased on this war.
We believe the invasion of (and war against) Ukraine was launched by Vladimir Putin.
We believe the invasion/war is NOT justified and we agree with the 141 global countries who
openly oppose the war and who fully support Ukraine.
We believe that the people of Ukraine deserve the right to freedom, independence,
and sovereignty.... and thus they have the right to take all means to defend themselves.

However, we also know that the conflicts between Ukraine and Russia are deep and complex and have a long history. We believe that understanding that history goes a long way to understanding what led to the current war. We understand Putin's fear of having NATO weapons and troops in a country on it's border. But we believe his method (war) will have the opposite results. We believe that NATO support for (and presence) in countries which are NOT currently controlled by Russia will increase. This includes (but is not limited to) Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Moldova which are on Russia's doorstep.

The yearning for personal freedom is a powerful motivating force for all human beings.
We believe that many people of both Russia and Ukraine are suffering and
are being harmed by Putin's actions and his attempts to curtail freedom in both countries.


About Russian News Sources

We focus on independent news sources and thus we limit our inclusion of state-controlled media of Russia (or from sources which merely parrot the state-controlled messaging of the Russian government.) However, we seek to find independent sources from within Russia whenever possible. We also seek to include a limited number of news and opinion sources which are sympathetic to the Russian position on why it attacked Ukraine. That has not been an easy task.

On March 4, Russia blocked access to at least six online media outlets because of their war coverage – Nastoyashchee Vremya, an online TV channel run by the Prague-based US broadcaster Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Krym Realii, an RFE/RL subsidiary in Crimea, the opposition media outlet The New Times, the student newspaper Doxa, the Russian version of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency and the Ukrainian pro-government news site Gordon.

On March 4, Russia adopted a law criminalizing the dissemination of “false” information about the actions of the Russian military. The words “war,” “attack” and “invasion” are now banned from the media. Only information from “official Russian sources” – the defence ministry – is now permitted. Any attempt to provide such coverage is liable to result in prosecution or inclusion on the “foreign agents” list. Thus most independent news media within Russia are shutting down rather then face prison sentences.

While most independent news media in Russia are being forced to shut down, a small number are boldly vowing to continue. For example, here is the latest announcement from Meduza.

will continue to seek to provide links to news and information
from a wide variety of global sources.

EYE ON UKRAINE is a one-person operation.
The site is maintained by Don Talley, a resident of western North Carolina in the United States.
