An excellent and succinct overview of the factors surrounding the current War on Ukraine. Perhaps the best video to gain the quickest understanding of the current and past conflicts between Ukraine and Russia.


Ukraine on Fire is a 2016 documentary film directed by Igor Lopatonok. It features Oliver Stone, the executive producer, interviewing figures surrounding the 2014 Ukrainian revolution such as Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yanukovich.

Rod Dreher, writing for the American Conservative, gave this impression: "I expected 'Ukraine On Fire' to be propaganda, and indeed it was. But that doesn’t mean it is entirely a lie, and in any case, it’s important to know how the other side regards a conflict, if only to understand how they are likely thinking." Andrew Roth, writing from Moscow for The Guardian, observed that Ukraine on Fire is part of "a series of documentary projects featuring Stone about Russia and Ukraine that reflect a strongly pro-Kremlin worldview", remarking further that "Stone has noted that the films, which are strongly critical of the 2014 Euromaidan revolution and have been attacked as propaganda vehicles, are very popular in Russia."

above to view this important film

Igor Lopatonok, director of the film, writes:

"I was a supporter of the Orange revolution in Ukraine in 2004, but with time I find more and more evidence that all “revolutions” were scripted and staged with big money and foreign government and non-government involved. The result was horrible for Ukraine, people lost their dream of free democracy – the democrats show such hunger for power and money –they look much worse that the predecessor. ....

......This was an organized, prepared, funded and staged Cope De Taut – and everybody who participated in that event looked out for they own goals, and my fellow Ukrainians were used as a force against the government.

And they arranged a cover for those actions, and they blamed the police and the government, but they fought without hesitation because blood was already on their hands.

I, as a citizen, can’t just sit and watch. We decided to shed some light on behind the stage helpers, who help achieve results but with totally different goals – Geopolitical goals. So we pay attention to that technology and find a lot of patterns in common around the world, and this leads us to a serious conclusion – that people in a free world need to know how their governments use they tax money for regime changing games around the world, and the consequences.

My biggest concern about all of this – Are we that stupid that we are going to let our differences and ideologies put the World on the brink of World War 3? Can we stop our politicians from those dangerous games of power?

And I think so, if all of us will be aware and conscious, and don’t stay silent if we see neo-nazi’s presenting themselves as freedom fighters,...."

Sophia Square in Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine (prior to the Russian Invasion)